Surreptitious intervention in the gold market by the U.S. government is the target of legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Alex X. Mooney (R-WV).

Rep. Mooney Seeks to Audit Gold Intervention, Ban Federal Tax on Precious Metals

Congressman Mooney just circulated a letter to his House colleagues seeking formal cosponsors and support for his Gold Reserve Transparency Act, H.R. 2559. The bill calls for a full audit, inventory, and assay of America's gold reserves for the first time in almost 70 years.

But this audit goes deeper... attempting to get to the root of whether, and to what extent, America's gold has been compromised.

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from Precious Metals News
Surreptitious intervention in the gold market by the U.S. government is the target of legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Alex X. Mooney (R-WV). Surreptitious intervention in the gold market by the U.S. government is the target of legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Alex X. Mooney (R-WV). Reviewed by Unknown on 12:43 Rating: 5

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